A riveting continuation of The Darkness of Light!
In Fire In The Darkness Brown gives readers a concise history of Otherworld and its inhabitants. We even get a couple of surprisingly helpful Pixies.
The characters in this book are more developed. The main character, Ember, is not just a Dae anymore. Thanks to a blood transfusion she also develops Dark Dweller traits. We also learn that Elighen Dragen may actually have a not so broody side when it comes to Ember. But, his kind is fiercely loyal and Ember takes on that trait as well.
Eli's contribution of blood doesn't just bring out new traits. It makes Ember's blood like a GPS signal. No matter where she goes on Earth he can find her. Furthermore, her bond to Eli is even stronger. WARNING: The sexual innuendo culminates in activity. This book is definitely for mature audiences.
Brown's story of this young Dae/Dark Dweller just gets stronger with this installment. She introduces us to a Demon named Lars, the Unseelie King, and his cast of helpers. These younger demons are charged with training Ember to control her skills so that she can take on the Seelie Queen. But, teaching Ember is like trying to tame a wilder beast. She is headstrong, determined and easily provoked. Qualities that make you love reading about her.
Although Brown's book is listed as a paranormal romance, it certainly isn't a traditional romance novel. The character of Torin is as close as you'll get to it. The action is captivating. The characters intriguing. And, the details will have you on the edge of your seat rushing to read the next chapter.
I highly recommend adding this book to your must read list. You won't be disappointed!