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The WordSmithe

I love a good book! Young Adult, New Adult, Adult and nearly any genre. If it’s well-written, I’ll read it. And, I love to talk about what I’ve written.


I have a WIP–a new adult dystopian novel. I’m also exploring short fiction.

Find my reviews here, on Wordpress, on Tumblr, on Facebook (The Word Smithe), Goodreads.com, and Amazon.


If you’re an author and you’d like me to review your book, just drop me a line. I’ll be happy to read an ARC. I always give an honest review. And, even if I didn’t particularly go crazy for your story, I will stay positive. I believe something redeeming can be found in nearly every book.

A Little Darkness on the Horizon

Fight for Dawn (The Dawn Trilogy Book 2) - Komali da Silva

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.


You might need a box of tissue to get through the second installment in Komali da Silva’s Dawn trilogy. This book was so freaking sad and emotional. I was pretty close to crying my eyes out. Be prepared. Loss is the theme in this one.


Poor Dawn is losing everyone she loves. It doesn’t destroy her. It toughens her and brings out some bitterness. In other words, she evolves! She’s not all goodness and light anymore. Girl developed a backbone.


Fight for Dawn introduces ANOTHER book boyfriend (like I need more)–Gabriel! He’s gorgeous, devoted to Dawn, and will hurt anyone (including a certain nameless one from the first book) who hurts her. He’s simply wonderful and will have you cheering. On the other hand, Angelo broke my heart. I was disappointed in his character, but I also felt sorrow for him. (Read the book people!).


The ending of this book both upset me and delighted me. It’s one of those ‘can’t wait for the next book because you want to see where it goes’ yet ‘why’d you do this to me’ moments.


I must say this book by da Silva had more of a foreign feel. Don’t get me wrong. It’s still a good book and I highly recommend it. By the middle of the book, though, most of the characters were dropping ‘love’ in all their dialogue. But, that’s no worse than reading a book by a Southern author who writes characters who embrace the word ‘honey child’ or other vernacular in their dialogues.


I’m eagerly awaiting book 3! (Hint hint, if you’re reading this Komali, love).

Source: http://thewordsmithe.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/a-little-darkness-on-the-horizon-a-review-of-komali-da-silvas-fight-for-dawn