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The WordSmithe

I love a good book! Young Adult, New Adult, Adult and nearly any genre. If it’s well-written, I’ll read it. And, I love to talk about what I’ve written.


I have a WIP–a new adult dystopian novel. I’m also exploring short fiction.

Find my reviews here, on Wordpress, on Tumblr, on Facebook (The Word Smithe), Goodreads.com, and Amazon.


If you’re an author and you’d like me to review your book, just drop me a line. I’ll be happy to read an ARC. I always give an honest review. And, even if I didn’t particularly go crazy for your story, I will stay positive. I believe something redeeming can be found in nearly every book.

Fracture Me

Fracture Me - Tahereh Mafi This novella picks up around chapter sixty-three from "Unravel Me". We learn about the events surrounding the battle between The Reestablishment and Omega Point from Adam's point of view.

I love how Tahereh Mafi reveals her characters through layers. This novella doesn't disappoint. It's not the same reveal that we got with "Destroy Me". You're not going to walk away with a total understanding of Adam Kent. You will understand why he's not a totally likable person.

In Fracture Me readers learn about Adam the big brother. You'll love his admiration for James. Mafi describes his pain in great detail when Adam thinks he's lost him. Be sure to read carefully. Adam reveals something very important about his relationships with James and with Juliette. If I had read too quickly, I would have missed it.

Mafi reveals just how badly Juliette hurt Adam when she broke up with him. You feel sorry for Adam for a minute. But, then, you want to tell him to grow up. He's on the fence about her and won't fess up.

At the end of this novella you learn that Kenji, Adam's friend, is more concerned about Juliette. Adam loves her, but, his love is suspect. I never got the feeling that he would sacrifice his life for the girl he loves.

I found this an interesting novella. At first, I thought it was a waste of time since it rehashed a lot from "Unravel Me". But, it reveals a lot about Adam and how he feels about Juliette. You'll need to read carefully to find that detail. Once you find it, you just might jump ship and start pulling for Warner or even Kenji.