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The WordSmithe

I love a good book! Young Adult, New Adult, Adult and nearly any genre. If it’s well-written, I’ll read it. And, I love to talk about what I’ve written.


I have a WIP–a new adult dystopian novel. I’m also exploring short fiction.

Find my reviews here, on Wordpress, on Tumblr, on Facebook (The Word Smithe), Goodreads.com, and Amazon.


If you’re an author and you’d like me to review your book, just drop me a line. I’ll be happy to read an ARC. I always give an honest review. And, even if I didn’t particularly go crazy for your story, I will stay positive. I believe something redeeming can be found in nearly every book.

The Plot Thickens

The Heir: A Novel (The Bed Wife Chronicles Book 2) - Suzanna Lynn

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Recommended for Mature Readers 18+ due to sexual content.


The Heir was another great installment in the Bed Wife Chronicles! The action increased and the plot thickened. Two things that are not usually expected in a historical romance novel.


Lynn, however, doesn’t write the atypical romance novel. The Heir read more like a magical fantasy couched in a historical romance story. She added intrigue with new characters–fairies, elves, and a set of questionable royals.


I loved the development of the main characters, Luana and Baylin. We met this young, innocent girl in The Bed Wife. Well, say goodbye to innocence. Luana has always had a backbone, but now she’s brave enough to show all her spunk. She’s even gained a little wisdom to go along with it. Baylin is even more admirable. He’s nothing like his father, the King. He has a heart and a great sense of what is the right thing to do.


Every story needs good villains and you’ll find them in The Heir. Lynn gives nothing away with this bunch. You’ll have to read the next installment to find out their true motivation.

Source: http://thewordsmithe.wordpress.com/2015/10/31/the-plot-thickens-a-review-of-suzanna-lynns-the-heir